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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Research project: OUR WORLD.

Our world has many characteristics. It is very old, and gracious. But it can be dangerous, disturbing, and
annoying. But it can also be kind, beautiful, and joyful. But life can be that way, too. And some people can't
take it anymore. Literally.
So I guess we can kiss the fire-fighters saving cats from trees goodbye, because they seem on the "sweet"
side of the world. And the sweet side, well, it's ignoring us. So, really all i'm trying to say is that everything is cold, around us, but ignoring it won't make it better.
I started using  an anxiety website to get information, and opened up a quiz to see what kind of questions these people were asked. The main questions were the first ten.
1) How old are you? a)7-12 yrs. b) 13-17 yrs. c) 18- 30 yrs. d) 31-54 yrs. e) 55 or older.
2) Have you consumed drugs? if yes, please specify below:
3) Have you had a visit to a hospital before for desperation?
4) have you had suicidal thoughts before?
5) do you have eating disorders?
6) what are you having trouble with? (ex. schoolwork, work, family, ect.)
7) What is depression to you? Based on your definition, do you believe your in a phase through it?
8) Does your family know you are here at this moment?
9) do you have any siblings?
10) what are you feeling right now?

And what is interesting is that this quiz that came directly from the website was created by kids my age, when they were going through this. And they all wrote entries which are listed and shown on the website.
But what else I found interesting is that when i read the questions, it gave me chills. Why? Because I read a book called "it's kind of a funny story" way before the movie came out. In fact, I haven't even seen the movie.
But this book is directly toward what I was researching. And it amazed me i could answer all those questions in the anxiety quiz with Craig's responses that I remembered.

But i would like to write about social issues such as depression, becuase i feel like I am very familiar with those terms, and it is something i would like to change... Something worth fighting for. Something that is big everywhere, something that we can actually change.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's interesting that you mention a website and a novel that deal with depression. However, I wish you had been clearer about what information and facts you learned about the topic. Also, what exactly is the purpose of this website and why did you choose to write about it?
